Recent Projects

Bitcoin project

Landing Page

This was the first project I built whilst completing the SheCodes basic course. It's a simple site based on Bitcoin. It demostrates my knowledge of basic HTML, CSS and Java-script. Different techniques were used such as;

  • HTML
    • Attritubes
    • Classes
    • Container elements
  • CSS
    • Properties
    • Pseudo-selectors
    • Default styling
  • JavaScript
    • Variables
    • Logical operators
    • Events and refractoring
In addition to the use of Visual studio and other developer tools.

Launch Landing Page

Weather App

A functional vanilla weather search engine including the searched city weekly forecast. Extensive JavaScript implementation as well as API and AJAX. Introduction to useful developer tools such as;

  • Flexbox
  • Bootstrap
  • Git/GitHub
  • Netlify
The weather app also has a current location function and functional frequent cities buttons for user ease.
Launch Weather App
weather project
responsive picture

Responsive Exercise

This portfolio exercise was designed to learn and practice how to make a website responsive. A number of techniques were used such as;

  • Responsive navigation bar
  • Responsive grids
  • Fluid images
  • Media queries
  • Multi page hosting
  • SEO friendly
  • Advanced HTML links
In addition to an introduction to inVision and Figma

Launch Responsive Exercise
This website was coded by JGP and is open-sourced